Jewish Holidays

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Jewish Holidays
Jewish Holidays in
  • 2. The Number of Candles and the Mehadrin min Ha-mehadrin Practice
    There are two levels of mitzva observance: fulfillment of the basic obligation and mehadrin, going beyond the basics to beautify the mitzva.
  • 1. The Mitzva to Light Hanuka Candles
    The Sages ordained lighting candles all eight days of Ĥanuka, which correspond to the days on which the Jewish people celebrated and praised God for helping them defeat the Greeks.
  • 4. The Ashkenazic Custom: Men, Women, and Children
    According to Ashkenazic custom, each member of a household must light his own candles in order to fulfill the custom of mehadrin min ha-mehadrin.
  • 10. Festive Meals on Hanuka
    Even though one is not obligated to prepare festive meals on Ĥanuka, many poskim maintain that one fulfills a mitzva by partaking in festive meals, in order to rejoice over the salvation that God performed for the Jews “in those days, at this time.”
  • 8. Electric Bulbs
    Does one fulfill the mitzva of lighting Ĥanuka candles with electric bulbs?
  • 7. The Candles
    One may use any type of oil or wick for the Ĥanuka candles, including those that are unusable for Shabbat candles.The more beautifully the candle burns, the more beautiful the mitzva is, because the miracle is publicized more effectively.
  • One Minute Late
    What drives a 90 year old man to come to the synagogue an hour and a quarter early? What can we learn from this?
  • 9. The Prohibitions against Fasting, Delivering Eulogies, and Visiting Cemetery
    The holiday of Ĥanuka is a time of joy, praise, and thanksgiving. Therefore, one may not fast or eulogize on Ĥanuka, even on the yahrtzeit of a parent.
  • 8. Al Ha-nisim, Hallel, and Torah Reading
    The Sages instituted the holiday of Ĥanuka in order to thank and praise God for delivering Israel. For this purpose, they formulated the Al Ha-nisim prayer. It is a mitzva to recite the full Hallel, with a berakha, on all eight days of Ĥanuka. The Sages also instituted a special Torah reading for Ĥanuka.
  • 7. Adding a New Candle on Each Day of Hanuka
    Ĥanuka, belongs to the realm of the supernatural, as it reveals the lofty stature of the Oral Torah. Therefore, we light candles for eight nights, adding a new candle each night.
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